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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Getting help from Marutukku

On a Waxing moon (last Friday), by using Simon's Necronomicon Spellbook, I summoned Marutukku as I intended to take back my time and delve back into Ceremonial Magic (which has ever been successful in the past, save minor mishaps).

I asked Marutukku her
help (to me this is a feminine spirit)  as her help is to be used especially when performing any occult ceremony in which there is danger, such as the invocation of demonic forces. 

This is her seal, to be used in the invocation.

She also has the ARRA star (the five-pointed Pentagram) which is the universal symbol of protection. Protects the soul as well as the body (used in the LRBP).

Ok, after the ritual I went to bed, and had a nightmare, immediately performed the LBRP and managed to have a sound sleep until the following night when another nightmare occurred, again LBRP and back to sleep. So far for protection one would think: wrong, she was forcing me to look into the protection rituals as the following morning I unexpectedly run into a banishing spell that works against evil forces of the Necronomicon (as most of you know the standard banishing rituals do not work with Necronomicon forces (see Simons's NECRONOMICON specific sections on Banishings: page liv).

Here's a link to the ritual of the late I AM sorcerer: I AM''s Solar Grounding and Banishing Rituals which works wonders when GD rituals seem to fail.

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